Aug 11, 2007

The Blog Business

Well, since times unkown, i had all the stuff to fill in to the requirements of being a blogger (for, today, blogging is an almost-must for every individual). All the ingredients, all of them but for one, were always at my perusal. 'The One' in this case being TIME - the singlemost value-adding entity worth mentioning if one wants to define, well, anything for that matter. 'The World Respects The One Who Respect's TIME'. This very important parameter, divides our lives into a bunch of milestones called events. Lost in the mysticism of his/her very own existence, these important milestones called events are what define one's existence, in this perpetual quest for excellence. The flipside of the coin is the entity called THOUGHTS, very characteristic of any individual. Events, we may not have control on, but THOUGHTS, definitely yes. This blog attempts, for now, to picturise my THOUGHTS, showcasing my very own self, in all due respect to 'The One' - i'm sane enough not to mingle with this 'all encompassing' Virtue of Virtues.

Also i have a profound belief in the adage,

Great Minds discuss Ideas,
Average Minds discuss Events,
Small Minds discuss PEOPLE.

well, i definitely don't belong to the third category; And as of now i don't wan't to be characterised by the second one either. Here again, i'll let the 'virtuous'(time) catagorise me

And So It Begins.....!!!

Hope u ppl hav a good time having a sneak-peek into my Mirror of Thoughts!!!



Unknown said...

I havent written a single blog in my life, so i wonder if I am the appropriate person to write the first comment for a budding blogger. But, anyways...blogging is for poeple who 'think' and I believe you fit the bill perfectly. Happy blogging.

...nor am I a Writer. said...

I belive that u have high regard for time..and after reading your blog/poem i feel that your blogs have things very intersting about to come...but a word of caution :do not waste 'the most virtous' in establishing yourself as a poet; for i believe that it is in the article way of writing that u can express new ideas better.
all the best and happy blogging!!

parikshit naik said...

learnt about blogging thing from "discussions" in Quote....
Have to accept you have nice thoughts and a great vocab....

feelin a bit envious....

kis chakki ka aata khate ho ????