Jul 16, 2009

Dear Mr. X,

I apologise for having hurt your feelings on a certain issue. In my attempt to make a black and white approach to the situation, may be i’ve overstepped certain boundaries. But it has got to be that way...is it not...Black or White...no grey zone. It was an honest attempt to balance what Mr. Y called an ‘Identity’ and what you called a ‘Tribute’. In my view, there is no differentiation between a ‘Tribute’ and a ‘Perfect Tribute’. They’ve got to be synonymous.

Though our thinking matches to a certain extent, it differs widely in purpose. When i said i want to keep the Spirit alive, i meant i want it to grow. Memories are things from the past. Spirit is something transcendental. I don’t want to cling to memories in a fit of desperation.

My view of a tribute would be to nurture the spirit, each of us adding a tinge of what we know him as, and what we thought he’d be like. In growth of a spirit lies its liberation. Stagnation of its growth and restricting it to our past memories is not exactly what i’d like to see us do. We need to befit it to his physical and mental prowess that his spirit unfortunately got deprived of. I know we’re talking on two very different schools of thought...yet i’m happy we care/think for him. Rather than the one-sentenced ‘Go ahead’...’I agree’ stuff.

Again why do we want things to be easy? It feels like being stabbed by a dagger whenever i hear people say ‘because it’s easy’. Is it because we don’t love him enough? I hope not. We need to fight this inertia, for him...for ourselves.

I loved your mail, particularly the sentence ‘A 1000 years from now, when i go to this place...i want to meet him....’. Very thought-provoking. But my question is...why do we need to go to a place to meet him? A 1000 years from now i want to see him in me...in you...in us...in People. Think about it.
